Rotate pages in your PDF

By Annyesha Satapathy

Neuroscientist and science blogger, who recently discovered the magic of automation to organize her professional life.

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Sometimes scanned documents are not in the orientation you need for printing or showing as a slide presentation. In these cases, you can easily rotate pages in your document between landscape and portrait orientations.

Build a simple routine to rotate all pages in a PDF

  1. If you are new to PushPDF, see our getting started guide

  2. For this zap, create a simple trigger. For example, create a new email with a PDF file attachment. Or a new file in a Dropbox folder. For setting up the trigger, choose your preferred app here.

  3. Test the trigger (send an email with a PDF file or upload a PDF to Dropbox). Once the trigger is set up, you can move on to the Action step using PushPDF. If you are unable to find PushPDF in the list of apps, then contact the PushPDF team for an invite.

  4. Choose ”Rotate Page” from the list of actions. If its not shown, click on “show less common options”.

  5. Select your PushPDF account.

  6. Choose the file you generated with the trigger using the Insert Field button.

  7. The description will read “Exists but not shown”. This is how Zapier displays file objects.

  8. Simply enter the page number and the degree of rotation. Then you’re all set

  9. Test this step and decide on an appropriate delivery method for your file. Some examples include:

    • Outbound email (e.g. Gmail, Outlook, Zapier email)

    • Upload to Dropbox or Google Drive folder

    • Attach to a Slack Channel Message

Save you time

This integration involves one of the simplest functions of PushPDF to fix a very common problem that users face while dealing with PDF files, with only a few clicks.

If you need some help or have questions contact us directly at  or by contact form